Age: 125
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dj guru......welcome 2 the LOLLYWOOD forum, einstien. lol. u want model pics, POST em and we'll comment. u don't like lollywood or its people, then don't post in this 'gay' topic.
Age: 125
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oh paki lion!
abt sana: saima starred in a movie that SINGLE HANDIDLY PICKED UP LOLLYWOOD from the ground and ressurected it. chooriyan, dispite NOT being digital, NOT being urdu, and NOT being shot over seas, STILL HOLDS RECORDS that yeh dil app ka huwa cannot dream of having! not 2 mention chooriyan was done with NO HELP WHATSOEVER from our indian neighbours. so it was pure pakistan, and pure superhit! and lastly, saima was coined 'PUNJAB DI GORI' as a result. i have YET 2 hear a nickname 4 sana. so that ends that!!
as for lp: i never said it was releasing thanks 2 saima's talents. i said its releasing for WHATEVER REASON (in india) and the people will SEE her talents as a result. obviously if u go 2 see the movie, u'll see her, and since she's so good an actress, people will take notice. thats all.
i'm not saying u have 2 like her yaar. but i dont see what u cant admit shes a good ACTRESS??!!
Age: 125
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i don't get this. why do YOU keep bringing her up man?! lol. i guess i was right then paki lion....she's the wallpaper on your desktop isn't she?! and you DO like her. lol.
Age: 125
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huh?! i saw her last week on sunday ke sunday and she said she had just gotten back from london, and shooting would being soon?? ah well....u seem 2 know u're stuff shaby, so i'll take u're word!
and wassup17 i agree. sayed noor should promote it as much as he is larki punjaban, if indeed its good story/quality.
Age: 125
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i'm with u zara sheikh. i 4 one have been waiting 4ever 2 see this movie. huge saima fan, i'am! thanks shaby. did u actually talk 2 afzal khan himself or a rep?! just curious...
Age: 125
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i agree abt making more family-oriented movies with new stories. but u can't say ALL actresses 'expose.'
i guess everyone's definition of 'exposing' is different. for example, i think saima and reema have concentrated more on acting especially in their recent films. they have not 'exposed' as much as, say, meera, sana, or nirma have. these ladies are sleezy. lol.
Age: 125
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how convenient paki lion. the movie has nothing to do with the people in it....only the director. OOOOOOkay! whatever u say. thats like saying devdas did good thanks to ITS quality and directing, and had nothing to do with madhuri, srk or ash. that was not the case 4 that movie, and it won't be for larki punjaban (in my opinion).
secondly, u missed my point. u're right....the movie is going to india 4 whatever reason. bottom line tho: saima is in it. no director from pakistan has been able to display their movie with zara, meera, reema, sana, u name it. but this one is going....and its got saima. so weather indians and pakistani's go to see the quality, the directing, the songs, the locations or whatever.....they'll damn sure see saima too, and therefore will no doubt take notice of her outstanding acting ability. so in the end, she'll still be a part of history (the first ever pakistani movie 2 relase in india), and it will only add 2 her star status! like it or not.
Age: 125
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lol. why am i not surprised (that saima no-showed)?! ah well...people in london should not feel bad. we got screwed as well. reema didn't show up 4 us! lol.
i'm glad the super music masti concert was successful! thats the one humaira arshad was at! wicked! i'm glad.
as 4 commando, i have not seen anything from this movie. i would think its going 2 be digital tho, cause sayed noor's making it, and he's working with that new company of his. so if i had 2 guess, i would say it will be digital. if u see any more clips, let me know bro!
Age: 125
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in regards 2 the topic (pakistani dumb heroines), i think arsalan sahib was referring to nirma, who happend to be in the movie. lol. actresses like there are indeed pathetic. but dj guru man....not all of em are illiterate or the name u called them. thats rude bro. lol. afterall, they're ladies...u gotta respect them! again, thats not to say what nirma does is okay (exposing) but there are others, who don't and simply act. nothing wrong with that.
Age: 125
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kiya hogaya hai paki lion?? pir vhoee bath?! 'so many beautiful women and you are after her...' yaar, i like her for her TALENT!!!!! HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO SAY THAT?!?!?!?!!!!!!!!!! SHE CAN BE 100 YEARS OLD, BUT IF SHE CAN ACT LIKE SHE DOES RIGHT NOW THEN SHE'LL STILL BE THE BEST FOR ME!!!!! lol.
and ek aur bhi kehna hai the end, usee ki movie (larki punjaban) bollywood ja rahee hai, to compete head 2 head with their movies. hai ke nahi?!!
Age: 125
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oh le......paki lion ko jawaab dete dete mei teen sahib ko welcome karna bhool gaya! sorry teen yaar! welcome back! i see nothing's changed (anti-saima!)
Age: 125
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paki lion said:
so even if she became a nanny u still think she can play a leading heroine just because of her talent?
yup! lol.
and if u disagree....don't watch! simple as that. u're complaints (and everyone else's) have not effected her roles thus far, so why do u guys keep complaining?! u're wasting your own time yaar.
Age: 125
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btw...thanks srk yaar, for atleat seeing things openly on the saima issue! same with u jani sahib! now if only teentracker and paki lion could understand! lol.
Age: 125
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born and raised in toronto, canada but my background is PAKISTANI! my family's from lahore and i've been there 4 times. the best city on the planet in my opinion!!
anyhow...where u from slik chik?! i would guess the uk or australia cause u used the word 'reckon'! lol. (j/k)
Age: 125
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jani420's a pure genius. i agree 110% with him (including on humaira arshad!!)! great minds think alike badshah!
as 4 u paki lion my man...u're the one who says 2 people: 'why don't u let these girls and guys live their own life and do their own thing?' whenever someone complains that they're not 'muslim' enough or 'pakistani' enough. so i'll say the same 2 u....why don't u back off saima and let her be?? she's the queen of lollywood for her TALENT. not her weight. as 4 her looks...she's not ugly. no pakistani is for that matter! so like it or not....she's the best lollywood has. ask noor, veena malik, sana and anyone else in lollywood....u'll get the same answer. and thats why i like her so much. not 4 looks, but 4 her talent.